The Devil from Ciro Marchetti’s Legacy of the Divine Tarot deck. Purchase on Amazon -


TODAY’S MESSAGE: Pay attention to what you resent or are burdened by today. Whatever you are feeling weighed down by, remember, it is something you chose and can unchoose. Assess whether you want to remain committed to what you have tied yourself to.

KEYWORDS: attachments, restriction, commitment, limitations, materiality, temptation, mirth, bondage, entrapment, seduction, golden handcuffs, ignorance, hopelessness, indulgence, greed, fear, arrogance, financial difficulties, confusion, obsession, doubt, fixation, seeing beyond the facade.

TODAY’S MESSAGE: Pay attention to what you resent or are burdened by today. Whatever you are feeling weighed down by, remember, it is something you chose and can unchoose. Assess whether you want to remain committed to what you have tied yourself to. It may not seem like it, but you do have a choice.

MEANINGS: At his worst, the Devil represents bondage, addiction, materialism, darkness, and ignorance. The Devil may show you how deceptive appearances can be. There are also positive aspects to the Devil. The gift of the Devil is the ability to achieve personal recognition.

INTERPRETATION: The Devil is a card of indulgence and material pleasure.

When the Devil appears, there is something you do that feels good, but is not good for your health or well-being. You know you shouldn’t have another glass of wine, charge those shoes to your credit card, or fall into bed with that troublesome lover, but you do it anyway.

You may be ignoring your higher self and be disconnected from Spirit. In some way, you are deceiving yourself.

Sometimes the Devil shows up when a little fun is exactly what you need. Sometimes we need to let go, break our own rules, and forget about the consequences until tomorrow.

ELEMENTAL ATTRIBUTION: Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes). Earth is passive, feminine, grounding, solid, slow-moving, materializing, productive, fertile, and practical.

ASTROLOGICAL ATTRIBUTION: Capricorn. Capricorn is determined, ambitious, sensual, rule-oriented, careful, reserved, and productive. Capricorn can also be ignorant, pessimistic, reluctant, and fatalistic.

GIFTS: Recognition, experience.

ADVICE: Understand the nature of appearances.

He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion.
~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia