June End of Month Newsletter

June End of Month Newsletter

June was a good month for book promotions. There are so many talented writers with stories to tell. If you aren’t aware, I publish an indie author support website called Self-Published Author.

Authors I've Promoted, Homestead, Life, and Writing Update

Authors I Promoted in June 2024

June was a good month for book promotions. There are so many talented writers with stories to tell. If you aren’t aware, I publish an indie author support website called Self-Published Author. There, and on my social media accounts, I share the works of writers who, for whatever reason, have published their material to share with the world. Some share non-fiction and educational information about health, healing, diet, business development, or real-life experiences. Others are fiction writers with amazing tales of fantastical characters, worlds, creatures, and adventures. If you share my passion for supporting these incredible writers, then I invite you to check out their books -

The Secrets of Spirit Energy: Final Conquest - by Darius Knight

Recovery by Angus - To get your FREE copy, email anguscarnie1@outlook.com

Captive of Night - by Jasmine Josef

Little Merlin and the Old Dragon - by Sheila Evelyn Murphy

Back to My Happy Ever After - by S. R. Page "RedSonia"

From Diagnosis to DAILY LIVING - by John Harrison

How to Forget to Remember to Forget About Magic - by Kristen M. Chambers and Viktor H. Strangewayes

Cygne Rouge - by F. V. Pires

I Must Love Me - by Unique Parsha

Ocean Animals Coloring Book for Kids - by Torre Publishing

The Ethical Imperative - by Andrew C. M. Cooper

Homestead Update

It’s been a crazy month! On May 28th, NE Texas was hit by a devastating storm that left over 800,000 residents and businesses without power—some for more than a week. And we were among them. Many huge trees and powerlines were downed all over our city and Central and NE Texas. Smith County, where we live, was the hardest hit of all the affected areas.

Since we live on our own 2-acre parcel outside the city limits, we are not on city water, which is a good and a bad thing. In addition to the power outage, there was a 30M-gallon sewage facility spill not far from our place, so most of the city was on a boil-water notice for some time following the storm. Fortunately, that didn’t impact our water quality. But our deep-water well requires electricity for the pump to operate. It is hard-wired to our electrical meter box…which IS connected to the local power provider, ONCOR. So, we had no running water, which meant no showers or doing laundry and limited hand-washing, cooking, and drinking. The unreliable electrical service has been the most frustrating part of living on our land. In the three months here prior to the storm, we experienced 10-15 power outages lasting from hours to days each time. Fortunately, we are still able to cook during these events since our stove-top and oven run on propane. Our fifth-wheel battery system also provides basic lighting and the ability to keep our devices charged, which is better than most conventional houses or apartment living. But the refrigerator and freezer go out during a power outage. So, we lost a lot of food with this last storm. And needless to say, our internet service was out. And since we both work from home, over the internet, our ability to earn a living was impacted. Happily, some larger hotels in town still had electricity and wifi connections. So, we loaded up our computer gear and moved into a hotel for a few days.

We Got Off Easy

By comparison, our experience was a minor inconvenience. Many people lost homes or vehicles when enormous, old trees crashed into their roofs, yards, and garages, often blocking traffic on residential streets and roadways. Hundreds of utility trucks were brought in from neighboring states to clean up the debris and restore power to residents, businesses, and even traffic lights at major intersections in town.

We got through it, but this storm was a huge wake-up call for us about what we need to do on our land in order to be truly self-sufficient…at least in times of emergency.

Since Then…

We are finally back to building on our property. The weather is in the high 90s, with humidity at 50% or more most days, so we are pacing ourselves. We’re doing most of the work in the morning hours when it’s coolest or when there is cloud cover. But we’re in no big rush, so we can be patient and take our time.

I’ll send updated photos in my July end-of-month newsletter. Hopefully, you’ll see a small building by then!

Writing Update



Long before Jack Mac Paidin was born, a cataclysmic event shattered the fabric of time, dividing the sons and daughters of Man into two warring factions - the forces of good and evil.

Some were blessed with special gifts, skills, and abilities and became known among humans as Angels or Demons, each trying to win over the loyalty of the masses.

As these powerful entities interbred with humans, certain godlike abilities were passed down through bloodlines, giving their descendants an edge in the battle between light and darkness. Such was the heritage of the Mac Paidin family, whose members - Jack, Ethan, and Sadie - unbeknownst to them, inherited the coveted Power of Three.

But this tale is not just about magic and the supernatural. It delves into the mysteries of time travel, portals, and spells, taking readers on a thrilling ride through reality and fantasy, where the line between good and evil is blurred. As the series unfolds, this fifth installment reveals the origin of the Mac Paidin family's powers and their significance in the battle for the fate of humanity.

Middle-grade and Young Adult readers who love epic stories with a blend of action, mystery, and the paranormal will be captivated by THE ORDER OF LIGHT. Jack and his companions' journey promises to be unforgettable as they unravel the secrets of their past and seek vengeance against their enemies.

The eBook is currently available for Pre-Order from Draft2Digital and will be delivered electronically on October 1st, 2024.




Isabella is a 16-year-old Sumerian princess in line to inherit her father's throne when an evil sorceress casts a curse of invisibility on her. She is then thrust forward in time to the present-day USA, where Isabella and her new friends strive to solve the mystery of removing the curse and returning her to ancient Sumer and her awaiting kingdom.

The eBook is currently available for Pre-Order from Draft2Digital and will be delivered electronically on November 28th, 2024.




The moment has come to finally learn why Inez and Clara Mac Paidin are so devoted to the malevolent forces propelling them. And glimpse behind the veil to learn who orchestrated the battle for control of Jack and his siblings.

The Guardians of Dyrrheim, an ancient world comprised of two warring factions, the Angels of Vittajord and the Demons of Blarjord, flourished as they fought for dominion among mortals. Humans gifted with special abilities by interbreeding or circumstance came to be revered as demigods...a select few bestowed with the eternal gift of immortality.

But others were denied this timelessness because of their rebellion and evil nature. Instead, these cursed souls were destined to live only brief, mortal lifetimes.

Unless they were able to find a loophole --

THE DARK CABAL - Book Six in the Jack and the Magic Hat Maker fantasy series takes us on a trip through time to the beginning of that evil secret society. Middle-graders and magic lovers of all ages will love the epic worlds, magical creatures, time travel, portals, spells, and suspense in the continuation of this fast-paced tale.

The eBook is currently available for Pre-Order from Draft2Digital and will be delivered electronically on April 1st, 2025.


In My Spare Time

I have also been working on my Etsy shop. As you probably know, I’m an artist. I’ve had this shop for years, but it has been mostly neglected until recently. I’m building out my product offering with new designs weekly.

Some of My Tracy J Designs Products

My TracyJDesigns Etsy Shop

That’s it for this month. It was kind of a lot, I know!

I hope you have an amazing 4th of July holiday, and I’ll send you an update at the end of next month.

All the best,


Be Sure To Connect With Me On Social!