They Say Choose One Thing
You’ve probably heard it said that if you don’t choose a single occupation and allow your life to be defined by that one thing, you will never become truly successful in life.
“Jack of all trades, master of none.”
Podcast – Back Story for Jack and the Magic Hat Maker
I just re-listened to this podcast I recorded a couple of years ago and shared on my Substack channel. It
Lessons Learned From My Time as a Political Activist
On June 28th, 2001, Jeff and I published a full-page ad in Portland, Oregon’s alternative news-weekly, Willamette Week, brandishing the outrageous headline: We're Jeff and Tracy. We're Your Good Neighbors. We Smoke Pot.
The Coconut Oil Miracle
The Coconut Oil Miracle has been in my Kindle library for several years now. I'm currently re-reading it, and I find so much valuable information in its pages
We're Moving...Again
I know, I know…I’m late writing this update. Things have been happening around the homestead and in our lives. So, I’m a little delayed this month.
We Had No Idea - Jeff and I have decided that homesteading, at least at this point in our lives, is not what it’s cracked up to be—not for us, anyway.
Books 1-3 FREE
This is really rare for me. But on a whim, I decided to make my eBook ‘box set’ (not actually in a box because this is a digital edition), including Books 1-3 of my magical fantasy series, available for FREE this coming week.
The Risky Reunion
When 13-year-old orphan Jack Mac Paidin learns he and his siblings descend from magical ancestors who come from another planet,
June End of Month Newsletter
June was a good month for book promotions. There are so many talented writers with stories to tell. If you aren’t aware, I publish an indie author support website called Self-Published Author.
Card of the Day - Friday, June 7th, 2024
Today, be cautious about your health and finances. Remember how important your well-being and long-term goals are to you. Even if you’ve slipped into some unhealthy habit or frivolous spending lately, you’ve still made some amazing progress